02-24-2016 PTAC Panel Series: Mentor Program






The Mentor-Protege program is designed to motivate and encourage large-business prime contractor firms to provide mutually beneficial developmental assistance to small business. Overall program goals include:

    a. improve the performance of contracts and subcontracts,
    b. foster the establishment of long-term business relationships between large prime contractors and small business subcontractors, and
    c. strengthen subcontracting opportunities and accomplishments

The program can help grow existing small businesses, but it is not without significant challenges and hurdles to ensure success. Encourage any company that has considered exploring this program to attend what is sure to be a very informative session!

Panelists include:

  • Michael Wright of Apogee
  • John Doughertry, Contracting Officer, USAFA
  • Ryan Klein of Sherman & Howard
  • Carolyn Terrell with the SBA
  • Small Business Protege
  • Large Business Mentor
Learn more about the panelists here.


To register, please click here. 


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Updated 2/19/2016 12:38:21 PM | dkunkle
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