03-02-2016 12 Online Biz Tools



There are many software tools available to make the lives of small business owners easier. In this class we will explore some of the options available to help with business management, bookkeeping & invoicing, project management, business operations, marketing & sales, social media management and customer relationship management. We will review multiple options in each category and discuss several options more in depth including Insightly, HootSuite, and Zoho.

Presented by: 

Heather Kelly

Founder, Altru Systems LLC and www.pikespeaksmallbiz.com

Additional Info:

This class will be held in Room 1019.


NOTE: Pre-payment for the class is REQUIRED! (If you are unable to attend, you will not receive a refund unless you cancel 24 hours in advance. Thank you for your cooperation!)
Updated 2/19/2016 1:02:08 PM | dkunkle
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