03-09-2016 Filmmakers Forum



Courses for Creatives (a program of the Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center) in partnership with the Pikes Peak Arts Council and Library 21c offers the Filmmakers' Forum, a panel featuring local professional film and television producers with discussions on local resources and opportunities. Come learn about the multi-faceted world of filmmaking and production from experts in the field. Directly following this panel, stick around for a tour of Library 21c's Center for Public Media, followed by the Peak Film Forums' quarterly Show Us Your Shorts! local film screening. This event is free and open to the public, and will take place at the Venue of Library 21c.   

This forum is part of our "Courses for Creatives," a series of workshops and mentoring dedicated to supporting and educating the creative, arts, and entertainment industries in how they do business. 


Wednesday, March 9 from 4 - 6 p.m. Film Screening begins at 6 p.m. 

Panelists include: 

  • Kate Perdoni, Rocky Mountain PBS
  • Roland Clements, Library 21C
  • Ralph Giordano, Peak Film
  • Pete Schuermann 


Library 21C (1175 Chapel Hills Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920)

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Updated 3/3/2016 4:57:50 PM | dkunkle
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