03-31-2016 Financing Your Business



Whether you are just starting your business or need more funding for an existing business, finding the money for your venture is one of the most tricky hurdles to overcome. There are a variety of ways you can find funding, and a variety of organizations, people, and resources available to you. What options are right for you? Where should you even start? We designed this course to be an insightful overview of the various options available to you -- including traditional bank loans, microlending, SBA loans, venture capital, angel investing, grant-funding, crowd-funding, bootstrapping, etc.

Presented by:

Robin Roberts

President, Pikes Peak National Bank

Read Robin's Bio

Additional Info:

This workshop is part of our Startup Track, and is offered every other month. Other Startup Track workshops include:

  1. Bootcamp: Steps to Owning Your Business
  2. Basics of Bookkeeping Part 1
  3. Guided Business Plan: Business Plan in a Day
  4. Sole Proprietor, LLC, or Corp? Choosing the Right Business Structure
View Upcoming Workshops Here

Note: This workshop will be held in Event Room 1017.


NOTE: Pre-payment for the class is required! (If you are unable to attend, you will not receive a refund unless you cancel 24 hours in advance. Thank you for your cooperation!)

Updated 2/29/2016 6:35:27 PM | dkunkle
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Funded by SBA
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