08-23-2016 C4C: Art Sync



This is a conversation where you matter. You become a part of where the dialogue goes and set the tone of what might happen. Waffle up your pressing questions to local artists turned business owners and settle into safe, discussion circles about where to go next. Discover local opportunities, where your talents fit in, and learn about how business and creativity sync together.

This event is part of "Courses for Creatives." a series of workshops and mentoring dedicated to supporting and educating the creative, arts, and entertainment industries in how they do business. 


9:00 AM - Check-in/Networking
9:30 AM - Panelist Discussion/Q&A
10:20 AM - Breakout Discussion Time
10:50 AM - Recap
11:30 AM - Close/Networking

Light drinks & snacks will be provided!


Tuesday, August 23,  9 AM - 11:30 AM


  Natalie Johnson, Manitou Art Center

Panelists include: 

  Jan Johnson, Ormao Dance

  Brett Andrus, ModboCo School of Art

  Troy DeRose, Fixer Creative at the Machine Shop   


  Nathan Halvorson, Performing Arts, CS Fine Arts Center



Fine Arts Center, Deco Lounge (30 West Dale Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903)

Brought to you by:

Courses for Creatives is a collaboration of the Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center and the Pikes Peak Arts Council.



-The first ten people to register can attend for FREE! (registration will be reimbursed after attending)
-Registration is required to reserve your spot! Walk-ins are welcome, if space permits.
-Students can register for $5! (select "student discount" at checkout)  
Updated 8/17/2016 6:59:34 PM | dkunkle
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