09-14-2016 C4C: Hype: Promotion



Yes. We're addressing the elephant in the room: marketing-- but let's face facts, it matters. Learn how to use a variety of marketing platforms and internet tools to build loyalty, sales, interest and uncover the secrets to branding your creative genius at HYPE: The Art of Promotion.

This event is part of "Courses for Creatives," a series of workshops and mentoring dedicated to supporting and educating the creative, arts, and entertainment industries in how they do business. 




Cottonwood Center for the Arts: 427 E Colorado Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Brought to you by:

Courses for Creatives is a collaboration of the Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center and the Pikes Peak Arts Council.



PLEASE NOTE! Registration is required to reserve your spot! Walk-ins are welcome, if space permits.
Updated 9/8/2016 5:23:27 PM | dkunkle
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