2017.01.24 Veteran Startup 101


Making the transition from the military to the small business world can be difficult! This workshop is a realistic starting point for any veteran who has made or is making a transition out of the military into small business. Facilitated by veteran-turned-businessman and SBDC Lead Veteran Consultant, Ron O'Herron, this course will give you a good feel for the level of effort and commitment it will take to make your business successful. Ron is thoughtful, humorous, knowledgeable, and incredibly committed to helping veterans achieve their dreams. If you're serious about starting a business, you don't want to miss this workshop.

Presented by: 

Ron O'HerronRon O'Herron

SBDC Lead Veteran Consultant

Read Ron's Bio

Additional Info:

This workshop is part of our Veterans in Business Series, and is offered every other month. Other Veteran workshops include:

  • Doing Business with Veteran's Affairs
  • Veterans and Franchising
  • Certifications For Veteran Businesses
  • Annual Veterans Conference
  • more...
View Upcoming Workshops Here


NOTE: Pre-payment for the class is REQUIRED! (If you are unable to attend, you will not receive a refund unless you cancel 24 hours in advance. Thank you for your cooperation!)

Updated 12/21/2016 6:36:45 PM | dkunkle
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