3.14.17 Innovative Road Trip

Postponed: This event will be rescheduled. Thank you for your interest.

Colorado SBDC TechSource is presenting a 2-Day program to help your small to mid-sized business improve award success on SBIR grants and contracting opportunities. Interested parties can register for both days or for individual days. One-on-one consulting opportunities will be available both days. 

Day 1: March 14

  • Basics of contracting with the Federal Government
  • Certifications and Contracting Opportunities - State Level
  • Advanced Marketing for Federal Contracts - Insider Tips
  • RoadX - Innovating Travel Across Colorado
  • Lunch panel of businesses who have had experience and success with contracting process and roundtable discussion with audience
  • Resource Fair

Who should attend: Science, technology, and innovation companies and any business that may qualify for government contracts.

Day 2: March 15

  • How to Protect Your Intellectual Property
  • SBIR Grants 101: The Agencies, the Topics, the Process, the Opportunities
  • How to Write an SBIR Commercialization Plan
  • Top 10 Mistakes in the SBIR World - Ensuring Success in Proposals and Performance
  • Lunch panel of businesses who have had experience and success with the SBIR process and roundtable discussion with audience
  • Resource Fair

Who should attend: Science, technology, and innovation companies


Presented By:

Day 1: Kathryn Rowe, PTAC; Cathy Kramer, Connect2DOT; Rosy McDonough, Minority Business Office; Andra Hargrave, Global Sales Advisors; Peter Kozinski, CDOT Roadx Program Manager
Day 2: Ed Kase, EKase Consulting; Stephanie Amend, Arrowhead Solutions LLC; Yoriko Morita, Patents Integrated

Special Instructions:

Lunch will be provided. Chamber discounts are available for Chamber Members. Please select Chamber of Commerce Member on the payment screen.
If you have further questions please contact Jamie Brandess, Marketing & Event Manager (303) 442-1475 x2 or jamie.brandess@bouldersbdc.com

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Updated 3/7/2017 4:57:34 PM | kbenson
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Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC