5.11.17 HealthLinks

Job stress costs U.S.businesses more than $300 billion annually. On average, working Americans spend half of their waking hours (or more!) at work. We also know that 25% of employees view their job as their number one stressor. With this in mind, there has never been a more important time for employers to make reducing stress a top priority.

Whether you have an operating team of 1 or 100, the workplace is considered a top area for health and wellness intervention. Business owners and managers have the ability to positively impact employee wellness - and it doesn't have to be costly or time intensive.

Join us...

Health Links Northern Colorado Lead Advisor, Jane Wilson, will share 5 big impact stress reduction strategies for the workplace. You will learn what you can do in real time to reduce workplace stress and increase productivity and morale. These five strategies can be tailored to your business and environment as there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to reducing stress. Managing workplace stress gives your business the ability to save money and increase productivity - get registered today!

Presented By:


Jane Wilson

Health Links Northern Colorado Lead Advisor:

Jane graduated from Colorado State University with a Bachelor's degree in Health and Exercise Science with a concentration in Health Promotion. She has a Master's degree in Sports Administration from the University of Northern Colorado. Jane is an ACE Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Group Exercise Instructor. She is passionate about health coaching, workplace wellness, and helping people make small changes that lead to big results.

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Must register for the access code. Code will be available through client dashboard.

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