2017.05.09 Understanding Your Brand (Tri-Lakes)



You know your business. You know your customers. You have an intrinsic sense of your place in the competitive landscape. Yet...does your brand leverage the power of your company's vision, mission and assets?

Discover techniques to find the shortest path to brand clarity. This workshop will help you to understand, define, build and add value to your brand-- to blend critical insight with creativity to drive the success of your brand. Learn how to clarify your core brand attributes and develop sound strategies to connect with your markets and customers, consistently and comprehensively and why your visual brand identity and your brand voice are crucial tools to market your business for its greatest potential. 

Presented by: 

Anthony Hyatt

Marketing Manager, Magneti




To register, please visit Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce website: www.trilakeschamber.com
Updated 7/7/2017 3:24:33 PM | rjohnson1
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