2017.07.18 Digital Marketing Series: TWITTER & INSTAGRAM


Generating leads is about developing a smart content strategy that is used in the most relevant platforms for your current and future customers. Where your customers are, you should be! Come to this session for a business perspective overview of Twitter and Instagram -- two leading social media platforms where your customers are and you should be too!

Presented by:

Lauren Hug
Founder, HugSpeak



Additional Info:

  • This class is part of the Digital Marketing Series. 
  • All classes will be held at Ent Credit Union: 7350 Campus Dr, Colorado Springs (the furthest north of the two Ent buildings, on the second floor)

  • Depending on pace of workshop, end time may vary!


NOTE: This workshop is FREE! (Your $10 will be automatically refunded after you attend.) Registration and pre-payment is required to reserve your seat.
Updated 6/8/2017 3:11:57 PM | dkunkle
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