8.8.17 Secrets for Sustainable Sales Success

What does it take to achieve Sustainable Sales Success?

While there are dozens of books published each year promising that if you follow their system you too can succeed, most of them miss the mark.

Join us!

The East Colorado SBDC and Evans Area Chamber of Commerce are excited to host Don Overcash.

Don Overcash of Sandler Training promises not to offer any books for sale at this event, but what he does intend to do is provide some insights based on over 30 years of business success. He will share a formula and illustrate what he believes are the right ingredients for not only sustainable sales success, but personal growth as well.

Presented by:

Don Overcash, Sandler Trainings

With nearly 25 years of developing and growing successful businesses in the healthcare sector, Don brings a strong track record to Sandler Training. It was during his tenure as President of a Midwest private company that he became a Sandler Training client in 1997. By 2009 he served as President of three companies as a turn-around specialist in both the public and private sectors. Don attributes much of his success to Sandler Training to assist him in building business development teams that consistently delivered stellar results. He joined Sandler Training as an authorized trainer and principle in Topline Growth in 2009 where he now brings the passion of bringing value to organizations and changing lives by helping others to grow and develop. 

Special Instructions:

We invite you to bring your lunch to this session!

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Updated 6/26/2017 10:50:26 PM | kbenson
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