
Everybody says it. ''I don't have time for that." Or "If I only had more time!"
If you don't have time for all the things in your life, how will you have time to take a time management class?

You may not.

During this Seminar...

If you choose to make time, you'll learn:

  • How restructure your day to get more done
  • Tips on new ways of looking at your task list
  • That time management isn't finding more time, it is about changing your behavior

If you are ready for that change, then come join us for this course!

Presented By:

Courtney Berg, CourtSide Consulting

Courtney Bery is a University of Northern Colorado alumni and celebrating 10 years with CourtSide Consulting. Courtney is a certified SPHR, Senior Professional in Human Resources, and has been nominated for Businesswoman of the Year by the Denver Business Journal. She has been published and quoted as a leading HR thinker in various magazine

Special Reminders:

This is a lunch'n'learn presentation. We invite you to bring your lunches to this presentation!

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