11.2.2017 Women's Conference

The Colorado SBDC Network is excited to present:

Colorado SBDC Women's Conference

Women Coming Together, Empowering One Another

November 2, 2017 | The Ranch, Loveland Colorado | 7:30 - 6:00 pm

Last year, the Colorado SBDC hosted over 300 participants. We conducted trainings, hosted a networking hour, and connected small business owners and entrepreneurs to resources through vendor tables. This fall session will be hosted November 2nd, 2017 from 7:30 am - 6:00 pm with a new set of training topics and networking opportunities.


Donate to the Auction:

Show case your business by donating to the auction! Donating businesses will be prominently featured in the event program, newsletter, and the silent auction website. Every donation is a charitable donation to the 501c3 foundation and can be used for tax purposes.

How to get started:
1. Contribute an item ) $100 minimum value) to the silent auction. Gift certificates, event tickets, a private lunch with a celebrity or business leader, or your business's products or services are all great items for the auction. Request a pledge form for the silent auction. Simply fill it out and return it by email or mail.
2. Mark your calendar and get registered for the Women's Conference. 

Sponsors and Vendors:

If you are interested in supporting this program and connecting with over 300 business owners and entrepreneurs please email kyla.benson@eastcoloradosbdc.com for sponsorship opportunities.

Updated 10/19/2017 12:52:16 PM | kbenson
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC