2017.11.01 Vet Week- VA Certs

National Veterans Small Business Week - Highlighting Moments that matter in veteran entrepreneurship. www.sba.gov/myvetbiz


Myth or fact? The U.S. Government prefers to buy from Veteran-Owned businesses. You've heard the rumors now get the facts! This interactive presentation will cover all the legal aspects of the federal government's preferences and the requirements for businesses claiming veteran's status. Some of the questions that will be answered are: - Does your current or planned business qualify for veteran's status? - What percentage of disability is required to claim this status? - What's the difference between self-certification and certification through the Veterans Administration (VA)? - Can I do it myself? - Is the certification worth my time? - Does the State of Colorado have a preference as well? - Is it true that I can get FREE business assistance and FREE help selling to the government? Attendees will leave with answers to all these questions as more! The Colorado Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) will present this topic in partnership with the Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and it's open to all veteran's, veteran's spouses, children, or any others that wish to learn about the certification requirements. 

Presented by: 

Dennis Casey, Executive Director, Colorado PTAC 

Sponsored By:

Additional Info:

This workshop is part of National Veteran Small Business Week. Other free SBDC events for this week include: 

View All SBDC Upcoming Workshops Here 


Updated 10/25/2017 3:45:09 PM | dkunkle
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Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC