2017.11.01 Vet Week- Navigating Certs

National Veterans Small Business Week - Highlighting Moments that matter in veteran entrepreneurship. www.sba.gov/myvetbiz


This session will demystify the certification acronyms used by Federal, State, and Local/Municipal government agencies in contracting. You will understand what it means to be a small, emerging, disadvantaged, minority, women, and veteran-owned certified firm and how you can use it in your marketing efforts. We will also talk about the various types of businesses that can benefit from certification and the best fit with government contracting opportunities. You'll learn the basic steps to market your business with government agencies and how to be at the front end of new contracting opportunities. The Colorado MBO program is here to assist you through this path that can provide a new revenue stream for your business, and take you and your business to the next level of growth financially and professionally!

Presented by: 

Rosy McDonough, Executive Director, Colorado Minority Business Office

Sponsored By:

Additional Info:

This workshop is part of National Veteran Small Business Week. Other free SBDC events for this week include: 

View All SBDC Upcoming Workshops Here 


Updated 10/25/2017 3:47:21 PM | dkunkle
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Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC