6.7.18_Social Media Essentials

Effective marketers know that social proof is a key ingredient in today's modern marketing tactics. Social Media is a tool that dramatically influences buying decisions. 78% of the buyers in both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets use social media to make their decisions whether they are ultimately purchasing online or offline. 

Are you giving your organization the social proof and visibility it deserves by making consistent choices and then taking the needed action with the social media piece of your marketing mix? 

In this workshop, learn exactly what social proof is and discover the ways you can leverage the social media marketing efforts of your business. 

Your instructor, Cheri Ruskus, will discuss the top social media platforms and decide which ones will provide the social proof you'll need to establish a know, like, and trust factor with past, current, and potential customers.

Learning Objectives

  • Discover where you currently sit with our online assessment. 
  • Prevent the urge to just "dabble" in social media with no results. Make it a tool to actually grow your business. 
  • Determine which social media platforms will give you the highest ROI based on where your target audience is currently hanging out. 
  • Understand the key ingredient content and what your target audience is hungry to discover.

Join us at the Windsor-Severance Library for this brown bag lunch-n-learn! 

Presented by

Cheri Ruskus, Victory Circles 


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