10.23.18_Holyoke Marketing

Marketing on a Budget is designed for Colorado businesses with limited marketing and promotions budgets. Learn how to jump start or improve your existing marketing platform with a variety of low-cost outlets. 

You'll learn...

  • How to utilize major social media platforms to best reach your target market
  • Tools to help you maximize your efforts on those platforms
  • Where to find data from your promotions and how to use it to your advantage
  • Where your limited marketing dollars are best utilized

Join the East Colorado SBDC's Kyla Benson for this free workshop, and learn how you can make the most out of your business's marketing budget! 

Thanks to our partners

Updated 10/5/2018 4:15:53 PM | cloeffler
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC