7.9.19_Break Rules

FMS Bank and the East Colorado SBDC are proud to present the Monthly E.P.I.C. Series (Entrepreneurs, Professionals, & Investors Community). Each month we bring together members of the business community and a new topic to help you learn new skills or further develop your existing skill set! 

Can you relate? 

You have worked long and hard with a prospect and when you get to "The Decision," disappointment hits like a ton of rocks as the client informs you that they have no budget


After spending considerable time developing and prospecting the proposal, you go for the close, you are encouraged when the client says, "Looks good, I like what I see. I just need to think it over, check with the team. Get back to me next week." Anticipation quickly turns to frustration as your efforts to re-connect with the prospect prove fruitless. 

Most likely, you could probably add another 6 or 7 frustrations from your own selling experience. Join us for July's E.P.I.C. Series workshop as Don Overcash shares some practical insights on how to establish a new set of rules that results in a more efficient business development process. 


Presented by

Don Overcash, Sandler Training

Don Overcash is passionate about growth and dedicated to sales professionals who want to make the behavioral, attitudinal, and technique changes required to reach their professional goals. In 2009, Don joined Topline Growth, LLC, an authorized licensee of Sandler Training. Don works with CEOs, business owners, presidents, sales managers, and sales professionals to help them improve top line performance and bottom line profitability. 


Thanks to our partners 

Updated 4/12/2019 4:06:24 PM | cloeffler
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Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC