A Woman’s Guide to Leadership Track

From the playground to the boardroom, the rules of engagement and power are defined. 

This program is about awareness and conquering the internal and external barriers women confront in leadership focusing on power, communication and credibility. The first session, focuses on power identifying the Twelve A's that serve as stumbling blocks and methods for eradicating them and breaking the "he" and "she" code. Session 2 will concentrate on our ability to become self-conscious, self-aware and monitor our communication both verbal and nonverbal. The final session focuses on enhancing our credibility through the Code Switching Style.

A Woman's Guide to Leadership: POWER
July 16th, 2019 | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm | Register
- Learn How to Expand Your Presence and Power through identifying the Twelve A's to Axe.
- How credibility is a perceptual variable and not an attribute and what you can do about it.

A Woman's Guide to Leadership: COMMUNICATION
August 13th, 2019 | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm | Register
- Identify communication styles including linguistic patterns women employ and what she doesn't say, nonverbals that serve as stumbling blocks and how to eradicate them.
- What are the mechanics of communication such as interruption and turn-taking that prevent women from getting a seat at the table?

A Woman's Guide to Leadership: CREDIBILITY
September 17th, 2019 | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm | Register
- Learn how the Code Switching style, a blend of the masculine and feminine can unlock your credibility.
- How androgyny enhances her familiarity to men and contributes to a successful, approachable leadership
style everyone accepts.


Standard Track Fee - $100.00 (classes are $35.00 each when signed up individually)
Bronze Member Fee - $75.00
Gold and Silver Members - Complimentary

Meet Your Facilitator:
Dr. Audrey Nelson is an internationally recognized trainer, keynote speaker, author and consultant who helps organizations increase their productivity and profitability through winning communication strategies. For 30 years, she has trained and consulted for a wide variety of government and Fortune 50 companies in 49 states and 4 continents.

Updated 7/18/2019 3:59:58 PM | tlopez
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