9.18.19_Grant Writing 101

Grant writing is a skilled craft - One that anyone can learn, but one that requires much more than just being able to write well. Strong grant writers, no matter their job title or position, have developed and continually polish a set of skills that help them position their organization for success.  

Join us for Grant Writing 101 featuring Michael Fitzsimmons, owner of Fitzsimmons Strategic Consulting in Greeley. Fitzsimmons specializes in fundraising strategies and grant writing for non-profits and small business. The seminar is designed for small business owners interested in gaining the fundamentals of grant seeking and grant writing.

Through interaction and talking best practices, you will learn how to:  

  • Identify prospects. 
  • Establish relationships with prospective funding organizations and individuals. 
  • Structure a grant proposal.  
  • Meet the deadlines and requirements. 
  • And more! 

Presented by

Michael Fitsimmons - Fitzsimmons Strategic Consulting 

Michael Fitzsimmons graduated from the University of Wyoming with a B.A., followed by a Masters in Judicial Administration from the University of Denver Law School, and then he went on to graduate with a Masters in Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, VA, and a Doctorate in Ministry from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA, and the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.   

Presently, Mr. Fitzsimmons serves as the Resource Development Director for the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, as well as owner of his own consulting business for fundraising management for non-profits, profit organizations and political candidates. He recently received his certification in Fund Raising Management from the Lilly Family School Of Philanthropy, Indiana Universitys Fund Raising School. He provides fundraising strategies and grant writing experience for his clients. He also provides leadership training for non-profit board of directors. 

Thanks to our partners 

Updated 7/15/2019 2:08:37 PM | aschroeder
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