2019.09.09 Startup Week
Pikes Peak SBDC is hosting the Growth Track for Startup Week! To learn more about each workshop and register, please use the links below.
See Peak Startup's full Startup Week Schedule.
Growth Track Workshops:
- 9/10 (9 - 10:15 AM) - Managing Your Growth: Robin Roberts, President, Pikes Peak National Bank
- 9/10 (1 - 2:30 PM) - Cyber Security Update: Dr. Shawn Murray, President Murray Security Services
- 9/10 (3 - 4:15 PM) - Building Infrastructure to Facilitate Growth, Jenny Laughlin, VP of Finance, Altia
- 9/11 (9 - 10:15 AM) - Top Five IP-Related Reasons Why Your Business Could Fail, and What You Can Do Right Now to Fix Them, Mike Martensen, Martensen IP
- 9/11 (1 - 2:30 PM) - Alphabet Soup of Certifications: Are Certifications a Real Opportunity For My Business?, Andra Hargrave, MBO Office Consultant
- 9/11 (3 - 4:15 PM) - Top 10 Things You Need to Know about Hiring Your Next Worker, Chelsea Fryman, Employer's Council
- 9/12 (9 - 10:15 AM) - Customer Engagement Strategies for Growth, Tonya Bjurstrom, Founder, Dirby
- 9/12 (2 - 3:15 PM) - CEO Mindset- Your #1 Strategy for Growth, Carrie Clarke, Next Level Coaching & Consulting