10-01-2019 Skillful Evaluation

It's no secret that, as the region's unemployment rate remains at historic lows, small businesses are struggling to find the skilled talent they need to remain competitive; according to Denver Metro SBDC's recently publishedColorado Small Businesses Survey, more than half of companies with revenue over $500,000 reported that a lack of qualified workers was a challenge to their growth.

That's why we are bringing you the Skillful Talent Series training's, designed to help employers find, hire and train talent with a focus on skills instead of proxies for skills like previous titles and degrees, thereby deepening your companies' talent pools, reducing time to hire and improving retention and diversity.

Talent Series 102: Attract the Right Talent

Avoid the frustration and cost of bad hiring decisions! Traditional interviews assess someone's personality, not their skill set, leaving you uncertain on an applicant's ability to do the job. Join us to learn how to build an evaluation process that differentiates those good for the job from those just good at interviewing.

In Skillful Talent Series 102: Candidate Evaluation, you'll learn how to:

  • Build a screening process that is inclusive to all qualified applicants
  • Ask interview questions that get to what impacts your bottom line
  • Use assessments to ensure you hire people who get the job done

Remember, skills are the best predictor of success for new hires. Be certain that you're hiring people with the skills your company needs most!

Register Here

Standard Course Fee - $35.00
Bronze DMCC Members - $25.00
Gold DMCC Members - Complimentary

Meet Your Instructor:
Jessie Roller headshotJessie serves as a Workforce Development Consultant, facilitating Skillful Talent Series training's in partnership with the Denver Metro Small Business Development Center. Jessie has been working in employee and career development for more than a decade and has a doctorate in Leadership. She completed her dissertation research on employee behavior, engagement, and empowerment within generational work preference.
Updated 11/21/2019 3:06:18 PM | malu
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