09-8-2020 Digital Marketing Bootcamp Info 1

Join us for this free one out info session to learn whether the Digital Marketing Bootcamp is right for you.  This is a great opportunity to meet the instructor and ask any questions!

Digital Marketing Bootcamp is an 8-week course designed to teach you an 8-stage framework called the Customer Value Journey (CVJ). This is a process that will help you INTENTIONALLY and PREDICTABLY transform ice cold prospects into leads, sales, advocates and promoters of your business and brand. By the end of this bootcamp, you will understand and possess the tools to guide your Digital Marketing efforts.

The course is designed to give you a practical concept that you can apply to your business for years to come.

Questions? Contact Rob Rose by email or phone at 303.620.8045.

What To Expect from the Digital Marketing Bootcamp Course

  • Eight 2-hour weekly classroom sessions including interactive group work, group discussions, case study, and homework assignments.
  • Create your own marketing funnel for your business and/or brand.
  • Creation of your Customer Avatar to help you best target who it is you sell to.
  • Creation of your business Before & After Grid to facilitate how to best communicate with your business target audience.
  • Learn the ONLY 3 ways your business can grow and assess which of these 3 areas to focus your marketing efforts on.
  • Review and document your 8-stage business's Customer Value Journey.
  • Document AWARENESS level tactics/campaigns to bring awareness to your products/service and target market.
  • Brainstorm and complete the 16 Point Website Landing Page Checklist to help determine how your website supports the ENGAGEMENT stage of the CVJ.
  • Brainstorm and complete the 15 Point Lead Magnet Checklist of the SUBSCRIPTION stage of the Customer Value Journey.
  • Brainstorm and complete the "Tripwire Worksheet and Checklist" handout for the CONVERSION stage of the CJV.
  • Brainstorm and complete the 22-Point Offer Optimization Checklist as part of the ASCENSION stage of the CJV.
  • Gain access to Renzo Marketing's CVJ card to keep track of the KPIs for each CVJ stage.

Use this info session as an opportunity to meet your instructors and ask detailed questions about the course.

Register to Attend the Info Session Here

Updated 6/21/2021 1:20:53 PM | malu
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