04-16-2020 How to Refocus Your Business and Come Out Stronger

Business owners are facing dramatic shifts in the economy. While many businesses are enjoying increased demand, many others are facing viability issues. Either way, business owners and leaders are faced with challenging decisions and confusing priorities. How can you pivot your business quickly to ensure you not only survive but come out stronger and better in the next economic wave?

Join us as we host a complimentary online webinar series to help you systematically refocus your priorities, reorient your business decisively, and lead your employees effectively through these uncertain times.

We are leveraging our Leadership for Organizational Excellence toolkit and using a laser focus to help local business leaders to act decisively in each of these key areas:

-          Rethinking the Market: Opportunities & Threats

-          Refocusing Priorities & Reorienting Resources

-          Redefining Action Plans & Accountability Metrics

-          The 4 Hats of Leadership

Register to Attend the Webinar Here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Updated 4/14/2020 4:18:51 PM | HNoble
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