08-05-2020 BBVA How To Obtain Credit

Understanding financials is key for the owners of an enterprise - they need to be the first to know if their business is growing or folding. Unfortunately, not all entrepreneurs are financially literate.

To bring this crucial education to the Denver entrepreneurial community, the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with EverFi, a leading education technology firm, and BBVA Compass, has developed an innovative financial education program that focuses on financial literacy in small businesses, offering a state-of-the-art experience for all participants.

How To Obtain Credit | August 5, 2020 | 5:30-7:30 pm
In this workshop, business owners will learn the value of credit worthiness and how to maintain a good business credit score. They'll also discover the documents necessary to make a successful application for a business loan.

Complimentary thanks to BBVA Compass Center for Financial Education

For questions, contact Hallah Noble at hallah.noble@denversbdc.org.
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Updated 5/28/2020 4:33:07 PM | HNoble
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