10-28-20 Are You Charging Enough Live Stream

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Prices of products and services are 100 percent under the business owners' control, and yet most businesses do not charge enough, contributing to cash-flow pinch and lost financial opportunity. This workshop will help you:
  • Understand how to strategically think about your pricing;
  • Think about the prerequisites that need to be in place to boost the impact of your pricing;
  • Learn about the red flags indicating probable pricing issues;
  • Get valuable insights into setting market-sensitive prices that maximize your bottom line!
This class will be informative for the entrepreneur considering starting business, or an owner of an existing business.

Our Instructor:
Mike O'Connell
Larimer SBDC Director


Payments:   Please pay online with a credit card. Registration is not guaranteed until payment is made. Note: Registrations made less than 24 hours before a class may be charged an additional $10.

Refund Policy:   No cash refunds, credit will be rolled over to another class.
Updated 10/16/2020 1:50:27 PM | bdouthit
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC