2020.07.14 Leading Edge for Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone Grant Awardees

This LEADING EDGE™ Course is for Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone Grant Recipients ONLY. Please view the following link to view other regular scheduled Leading Edge courses: https://pikespeaksbdc.org/what-we-do/programs/leading-edge-for-entrepreneurs/

The LEADING EDGE™ Course: Strategic Planning for Entrepreneurs is a 9-week business development course for new or current business owners who wish to grow their business strategically! The program is a combination of in-classroom sessions, interactive learning exercises and conversations with subject experts. Not only will you write the majority of your strategic business plan, you will also learn best practices and money-saving tips from your fellow entrepreneurs. Leading the course is facilitator Mark Bittle, who has built seven-figure businesses in the real estate and financial industries. His expertise, combined with that of the weekly guest speakers, will help you get to your goals faster as they share what has worked for them. As you develop your business plan, you will also prepare a presentation to pitch to lenders, investors and/or potential clients. You will develop tools to attract customers, gain exposure and become financially efficient. At the end of the course, you will have the foundation of a business plan, media kit, operations plan, sales strategy, customer acquisition plan, and financial analysis. This is a fast-paced course for the ambitious business owner who wants to get to their goals faster.

Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone Grant Recipients receive this program at no cost. In addition to our normal curriculum, you will also receive the attention and support you need for COVID-19 recovery and resiliency. 


Mark Bittle
Certified Leading Edge(TM) Instructor
SBDC Consultant
Founder, ConnectionMark
Updated 10/1/2020 1:48:05 PM | amarcoulier
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