10-28-22 Making Art Work A Crafters and Makers Lunch n' Learn

Friday, October 28, 2022
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Join us Downtown for a special creative Lunch and Learn! Are you selling your art at local makers markets and shops or hoping to? Are you wishing you could partner with a Downtown business or artist for Art Walk? Then this session is for you! It may be confusing to figure out all the details before you start selling your creations at makers’ markets, farmers’ markets and brick and mortar stores. This session can help you get a sense of the basics of business that will get you organized and selling in no time. You can learn about display creation, market tips, sales tax and business tips for taking your craft to market!

This is meant to be a fun, playful interactive session with networking time too! We encourage you to bring or wear a Show and Tell item to help people see what you are creating. Lunch is provided so please RSVP so we have the correct numbers count. Masks are not required, but you are welcome to wear one if you feel more comfortable.

This is a FREE session hosted by Downtown Fort Collins, The Downtown Fort Collins Creative District and Larimer Small Business Development Center. We do ask that you pre-register with the SBDC to reserve your FREE spot today!

Deadline to register is 11:30am on October 26th.

This event is co-sponsored by:

Updated 9/8/2022 4:16:39 PM | bdouthit
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC