Legal Checklist: What's In A Contingency Plan?
What makes a contingency plan, and why are they so important? Understand where to begin with an attorney to put in place the necessary documents to protect the value of your business, prepare it for sale or exit, and have a plan in the event of unforeseen accidents, disasters, separations, or deaths.
Licensed attorney, John Leemhuis, reviews necessary components of contingency plans, so you can be confident that you have comprehensive legal documents in place to best protect your business.
Disclaimer: This webinar is for informational purposes and is not attorney client legal advice or opinion. Also, laws change or vary by jurisdiction, so this is not a substitute for legal advice for the specific needs for how this will affect you or your business.
Speaker(s): John P. Leemhuis, Jr., Esq. Leemhuis Legal, PLLC
Fee: No Cost