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[On Demand] Budgeting Essentials for Child Care Providers

On Demand
Until Jun 30
Facilitated by West Central SBDC
Topic: Cash Flow Management

If you dream about taking a paid two-week vacation each year but your child care business hasn't quite gotten you there yet, you won't want to miss this on-demand series. Learn how to leverage cash flow as a financial planning tool, start making better business decisions, and begin planning your vacation while earning professional development hours in the PDIS system! 9-session, self-paced, webinar series with one-on-one support from SBDC consultants:

  1. Cash Flow: What, Why, and How
  2. Debunking Your Fears (income statements and balance sheets)
  3. Accounting Basics (direct v indirect, fixed v variable costs)
  4. Finding Where You Stand (budgeting, cash flow, Profit First, actuals)
  5. Building Your Plan
  6. Cash Flow as a Tool (how to pay yourself, how to increase cash flow, product/service lines)
  7. Entity Structure
  8. Moving Forward
  9. Why Businesses Fail and How Not to be One of Them (the money obstacle)

The 9-module course includes video instruction paired with downloadable templates/worksheets. Each individual module consists of a 2-12-minute instructional video paired with self-paced homework (30-90 minutes) designed to further understanding of cash flow in your business. Participants will be able to access the course for ten weeks. We encourage participants to work through the course worksheets and utilize our SBDC cash flow professionals for no-cost individual consulting and financial review.

This program is made possible by a grant from the Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood.

Participants can earn professional development hours through the Professional Development Information System (PDIS) by completing all 9 modules and checking their understanding at a minimum of 2 consultation sessions. Participants who meet these requirements will receive a survey to capture their PDIS user information.

Meet Our Facilitator Kelly Johnston

Kelly is a valued member of the West Central SBDC workshop facilitator team, teaching bookkeeping, cash flow, and accounting boot camps. She also serves as a West Central SBDC consultant. She graduated from the Leading Edge business planning series five years ago and her business has grown exponentially ever since. She is experienced in both the public accounting and private industry accounting fields. Her background includes a bachelor’s in finance and a master’s in accounting, with experience in the healthcare industry with critical access hospitals and physician offices, audit and tax preparation. Her education and experience add value to new start up organizations, developing businesses, and healthcare entities by creating a strong financial reporting set up and assisting in new financial reports.

Disclaimer: “The project described is supported by the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative (PDG B-5), Grant Number 90TP0054-01-00, from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Office of Child Care, the Administration for Children and Families, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”

Speaker(s): Kelly Johnston

Co-Sponsor(s): Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood, West Central SBDC, Region 10

Fee: No Cost

Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC