Understanding Your Financial Statements
During this course we’ll cover an overview of the basic financial statements, what each one is, the story it tells you about your business, and how to use your financial reports to guide decision-making. We’ll include a section on how to analyze your results over time, and against your industry. Come with your questions, or just to learn the basics! We encourage you to bring a laptop and/or notepad. Also, if you have an existing business, please bring your Profit & Loss and Balance Sheets.
Speaker(s): Terryl Peterson
Co-Sponsor(s): Fort Lewis College, TBK Bank, Terryl Peterson, CFO and Services LLC
Please use street parking. TBK Bank lot is reserved for banking customers.
Fee: $ 25.00
Payment can be made before the class or by credit card over the phone- 970-247-7009. Please arrive early-Checks, cash or credit cards accepted. Please make checks out to Fort Lewis College