(REPLAY) Get To Know Mt. Carmel Veteran Services
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Our goal with this series is to inform you of what resources and partners are available to small businesses in our community.
Meet Sal Katz
What services Mt. Carmel Veterans Center Provides
Where Mt. Carmel Veterans Center is located
What Niches Mt. Carmel Verterans Center play in the community
What makes pueblo a great place for veterans
About Sal Katz
Sal Katz is a retired US Army Command Master Sergeant. He is a combat veteran who retired with over 32 years of service. He is also a Legion of Merit and Purple Heart recipient. His wife, Tawona Wilson, was born and raised here in Pueblo, so when he retired from the Army, they returned to Pueblo and have lived here for over ten years. Pueblo is their home, and Sal wholeheartedly believes Pueblo is the best community in all of Colorado.
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