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Introduction to Doing Business with CDOT

Tue, Dec 17 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Government Contracting

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Are you interested in doing business with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)? This webinar is an introduction for firms who want to find out what CDOT buys, how they put out solicitations, and where you can find contract opportunities for highway/bridge design, construction, and goods and services. It includes a discussion about CDOT's small business programs (DBE and ESB certification) and how they can help you become more competitive in bidding and teaming on CDOT projects.

How You Will Benefit:

  • Get an inside look at how CDOT operates and what they buy
  • Learn the different contracting methods CDOT uses and how you can participate
  • Discover where to find contracting opportunities that fit your business
  • Develop a strategy for becoming a CDOT contractor, consultant or supplier

Suggested Audience:

Small businesses who provide goods and services that can be used by CDOT for buildings, operations, highway/bridge design or construction, and maintenance.


Cathy Kramer, Connect2DOT Program Manager, has 25 years of marketing and management consulting experience, working with a range of clients from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. She has been a consultant to CDOT for 15 years providing technical assistance to DBE/ESB firms and supporting the development and outreach of CDOT’s DBE/ESB Programs. She has an extensive understanding of CDOT contracting and project delivery methods and has assisted hundreds of firms in marketing their services to CDOT.


  • Please click the Register Online button below and login to the SBDC system.
  • Complete your registration with the SBDC (most fields are optional)
  • Click Continue to add your name and email to GoToWebinar

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 719-549-3245


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