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(Replay) Introduction To Branding Your Business

On Demand
Until Mar 30
Facilitated by Southern Colorado SBDC
Topic: Managing a Business

Understand about the power of customized branding for your small business.


  • Attract you ideal customer and build loyalty among your target audience

  • What defines your brand

  • How to keep keep your business visuals cohesive, effective, and recognizable


 Kat Fox Design, lead by Kat Fox Reynolds, is a brand design, website design, and digital 
 marketing agency that encourages small business growth through online strategy and 
 beautiful design.

Once payment has been made you will receive replay link and password on your payment receipt.

Fee: $ 5.00

You will be directed to the Pueblo Community College Aceware System for payment. You will receive link and password on your payment receipt.

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Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC