Is Certification Right for Your Business?
Are the Small/Minority Business Certification Programs
Right for Your Business?
The government is a huge, diverse market with many buying offices. If you are interested in selling to the government, you should first answer some basic questions and gain a general understanding of how the government buys. Does the government buy your products/services? If yes, how do they buy?
o Does the government buy my products/services?
o Is the local government your target market?
o Are you a good candidate for DBE/MWBE/SBE certification?
o Do you meet the requirements for DBE/MWBE/SBE certification?
The procurement function in Colorado
Understanding the different certification programs
Presented by:
Andriane Sanford
Certified SBDC Consultant
Connect2DOT Consultant
Cost: Free
Thank you to our sponsors:
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
PRE-REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR: Instructions and updates sent upon pre-registration.
Fee: $ 15.00
Fee-based workshops are payable in advance via PayPal; see your registration confirmation for the link; if paying at the door, bring exact cash or check payable to the SBDC host "City of Aurora".