The Power of WE (Women Entrepreneurs) In-Person Conference
After April 29th, Registration will increase to $90. Team discounts and scholarships are available. Contact Miranda Grant at for details.
The Power of WE (Women Entrepreneurs) will offer thought provoking content, resources and tools to inspire women’s leadership development, creativity, and innovation. It will also share the many Federal, State and local funding opportunities that are available to women owned businesses and share tools and resources to access them. WE will encourage and support local women owned businesses and entrepreneurs by setting alight self-awareness tools and practices and creating an environment to ignite positive change in women’s professional and personal development WE will discuss the community scale challenges facing our rural area (i.e. housing, childcare, social inequities, environmental concerns etc.) and collaborate on methodologies to tap into entrepreneurial energy to address them. WE will create opportunities at this conference to enable ongoing women inspired meetups, forums and other connectivity opportunities. View details and updates at
Speaker(s): May 16, 2022 AGENDA: We are thrilled to bring you a diverse lineup of keynotes, guest speakers and panelists for this year’s Conference. Visit us often for additions and updates! 8:00am Check In/Registration 8:30am Welcome Show Jamie Billesbach, Center Director, Central Mountain SBDC “Rise Up Share YOUR Story and Lean Into Your Purpose and Strengths” 8:50am Heather Barron, Founder of Luminous Life and Transformational Life Coach “Opening Grounding Practice” 8:55am Jen Visitación, Founder and CEO of Moonstone Ventures and WE Emcee 9:00am Holly Woods, PhD, WE Keynote Speaker, Founder of the Emergence Institute “Create a Purpose-Driven Business for More Meaning, Impact and Profit” 10:00am Break with Little Red Hen Bakery and Kalamatapit Catering Offerings 10:15am Jodi McPherson, CEO/Co-Founder UPSKLS “Leveraging One’s Emotional Intelligence As a Women Entrepreneur to Bring Together Purpose and Profit” 11:00am Movement and Process Exercise 11:15am Panel Discussion: A Rising Trend of Women Owned Purpose
Co-Sponsor(s): Presented by Central Mountain SBDC. Sponsored by: Colorado SBDC Network, StartUp Colorado, Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade, Colorado Minority Business Office, The Lobby at the Palace Hotel, Thought Distillery, and more coming soon!
Fee: $ 90.00