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[On Demand] Finance Sense: Personal and Business Finances- Get organized and reduce stress

On Demand
Until Dec 30
Facilitated by Central Mountain SBDC
Topic: Financing

It's not too early or too late to get organized with your money! Save time, money and reduce stress this year. Tips for personal and businesses, saving taxes, tracking expenses, reducing overwhelm. It's about starting where you are, and making progress.

Speaker(s): Meet Michelle Kooi, founder of Confluence Coaching and Consulting: I support women through transitions and change and facilitate growth and transformation. Through Co-Active Coaching, individuals and business owners gain clarity and awareness around what's really important, and move forward into greater fulfillment and achieving long desired goals. All this, while reducing stress, implementing new habits that support growth, and feeling more authentic, self-aware, and empowered.


Fee: No Cost

Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC