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Women Owned Business Certifications - Session 2

Fri, Dec 8 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

This event has been canceled


This workshop will go over the anatomy of the municipal certification application. We will work real life starting the application process. In the interest of time, if the business has complex elements, the facilitator may request the applicant to hold off on her application and work with a peer. Agenda:  Hands on with starting the application for WBE – Women Business Enterprise MWBE – Minority Women Business Enterprise DBE – Disadvantage Business Enterprise EBE – Emerging Business Enterprise SBE – Small Business Enterprise

This is a 3-hour workshop. We will start the application and work as much as the time allows. If a participant needs follow-up, the SBDC marketing manager will gather proper information.


Try to get as much information as possible from the below list. If you are not able to get them all, it is OK. You can still participate in the workshop; you will just have more on your to do list.

  1. The interested applicant should plan on bringing her laptop.
  2. Create a folder named WBE application, save it to your desktop and use this folder to save all required documents.
  3. Interested applicants must save the following documents in this new created folder:
  • Last five years of their taxes personal and business. They must be completed returns with all the pages.
  • Bank statement showing the very first deposit into your business bank account.
  • Resume
  • Passport or ID
  • Colorado Secretary of State active business registration
  • List of owner, owners, name, title, and salary
  • List of employees, job titles, and dates of employment
  • Balance sheet and income statement for the past 3 years
  1. Attached to this list there is the Affidavit of Certification, Financial Institution Authorization and New application Affidavit. These are mandatory documents that must be notarized. For your convenience, the facilitator can notarize them for you ($20/signature) right there in the workshop. You can also print these forms and take them to be notarized and save to your folder later.
  2. Bank authorization and signatory cards – Ask your bank for this document. It is a document that indicates that you are the authorized user of the bank account, and you can sign checks.
  3. Have the following information ready: (no need for paperwork, but have the information easily available)
  • Your current balance between cash, money orders savings.
  • Property, mortgage balance, account number, how much you pay, how much you owe.
  • Cars, trucks, same, how much you pay, how much you owe.
  • Life insurance information
  • Stocks information (if you have stocks or 401K)
  • Any debt information (personal)

About the Presenter

Talia is both a marketing expert and the owner of PostNet Centennial and Absolute Promotions. She finds fulfillment by empowering individuals and small business owners to elevate their brands and produce significant results. Talia received her MBA from Regis University, where she continues to honor the University’s mission to be of service to others. In this effort, one of Talia’s previous roles included being a consultant for the Minority Business Office for the State of Colorado where she helped hundreds of clients get certifications for government contracts. Talia is well versed in municipal certifications and understanding the path to getting government contracts. She has facilitated a myriad of workshops in Colorado and assisted with applications.

The Colorado Small Business Development Center Network is a partnership between the State of Colorado, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, the Small Business Administration (SBA), Colorado’s institutions of higher education, local economic development organizations and local chambers of commerce.

Speaker(s): Talia Bond, MBA

Co-Sponsor(s): City of Boulder, OEDIT

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 303-442-1475


Boulder SBDC
1500 Pearl St. Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC