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Secure Your Business: Data Protection and IT Recovery Strategies

Wed, Sep 4 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Facilitated by Boulder SBDC


Colorado has seen a decade of the most destructive fires, floods, and cyberattacks in history. A reported 73% of SMB’s have suffered a cyberattack, and the news is full of new cities, towns, and hospitals that are shutting down critical services because of ransomware. Yet, even though we all know these things will happen, most small businesses make the same 3 critical errors:

  1. “Sure, these things will happen, but most likely to another company” (a.k.a. “The hackers don’t care about me,” or “I’m not near the mountains so I’m safe from fire”)
  2. “I have a simple business. If something happens, I’ll just rebuild. Sure it’s hard, but I’m small and nimble enough that I can handle it.”
  3. “Disaster planning is complicated and expensive, and only big businesses need to do that.”

The fact is, half of small businesses never reopen after a disaster (natural or IT), and 90% fail if they don't reopen quickly enough. What’s the secret to surviving these emergencies and re-opening fast?

Join us on 09/04/2024 from 10 - 11 AM to find out!

Speaker(s): Tim Singleton, President, Strive Technology Consulting

Co-Sponsor(s): OEDIT, SBA

Fee: No Cost

Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC