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Tech Venture Accelerator Info Session

Tue, Feb 18 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Facilitated by Boulder SBDC

Join us to learn about our upcoming Tech Venture Accelerator for science and technology ventures. TVX is designed for founders, C-level leaders and executive managers in Colorado’s advanced industries.

To apply for TVX, businesses must:

  • Be a science and technology business
  • Have the potential for submitting SBIR/STTR proposals

There is no to the participants because of the federally-funded FAST grant. No more than 10 businesses will accepted into this exclusive TVX cohort.

Our facilitators will meet with you via Zoom to share more about the program and answer any questions!

Fee: No Cost

Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC