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[ON DEMAND] E-Commerce Series: Part 3 of 4: Implementing DAAM (Digital Marketing and Advertising)

On Demand
Until Sep 30
Facilitated by Pikes Peak SBDC
Topic: Managing a Business

Learn the Basics of DAAM (Digital Advertising And Marketing)

In-Depth Discussion of Top Four Tools to Include

How They Work Together

How to Maximize Their Results

Utilize Best Practices for Optimization

Get Traffic to Your Website Easily and Cheaply

Facilitated by:

Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee

Edison App Designs

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Learn more about Pikes Peak SBDC and free consulting

Register: Pre-payment for the webinar is required. Please click on the button below to first register and pay through the SBDC .

IMPORTANT! For On-Demand Registrants: After you register, please click "Continue" in order to get the webinar link and/or watch the webinar. Once you register on the GoToWebinar page, please note that the webinar will start automatically, and you cannot fast-forward or rewind. (However, an email with the recorded video is automatically sent within a few hours after the webinar, where you can save, fast-forward, and rewind from there.) If you are logged out, please sign back in and your webinar link and copy of the slides will be available on the event page.

Fee: $ 20.00

Join us for Part 3 of our 4 Part E-Commerce Series

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Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade logo
Funded by SBA
Member of America's SBDC