[On Demand] Start Up Series - 4 part series
Larimer SBDC training series are designed to give you topic-specific content from a variety of our Instructors.
Topics being covered in this series will include:
• Exploring the attributes and characteristics of business owners and learn how they sorted through the different options available to them to uncover the business model that works best for them.
• This workshop will be a realistic starting point for all budding entrepreneurs. We will investigate many questions and cover best practices. At the end, you will have a good feel for the level of effort and commitment it will take to make your business successful.
• Learn how to research and analyze your local competition. This course is great for businesses that are about to start up and established businesses that are looking to scale up.
• Whether your business is still a dream or well underway, a thoughtful business plan can add significantly to your success. Preparing the plan helps identify critical business elements, answers essential questions about profitability and provides a continuing roadmap for both today's management and tomorrow's growth. Lastly, a business plan sends a clear message to customers, investors and competitors that you understand your business, its challenges and its opportunities.
For the discounted of $30 you will receive:
1 registration for (On Demand) Becoming Your Own Boss - An introduction to business ownership
1 registration for (On Demand) Start-up Essentials
1 registration for (On Demand) Market Research: Your Competitive Advantage
1 registration for (On Demand) Business Plan 101
At the end of this series, you will have a good feel for the level of effort and commitment it will take to make your business successful.
Speaker(s): Bill Cobb Hope Hartman Kay Allison Mike Forney
Fee: $ 30.00
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