Childcare: Marketing and Maximizing Revenues
This two-day childcare class is aimed at providing valuable knowledge to childcare providers (home-based, centers, and startups) to expand and grow their businesses. There will be two sessions for this class, occurring on Wednesday, April 24th, and Thursday, April 25th. Each session will begin at 6:00 pm and end at 8:30 pm.
Session One (April 24th): Marketing. Items that will be discussed:
- Marketing fundamentals
- Marketing strategies to implement in your business
- Marketing tools to use to help your business grow
- Presentation from the Mesa County Partnership for Children and Families
Session Two (April 25th): Maximizing Revenues. Items discussed:
- Complete Business Model Canvas
- Discover new revenue streams
- Presentation from a childcare Licensing Specialist
These sessions will be held at the Mesa County Workforce Center in Business Center D.
For any questions, call the Business Incubator Center at 970-243-5242.
Fee: No Cost